How Do I Order a Wallpaper Sample?

At Linlava, we offer you up to 10 free wallpaper samples.

Samples on real wallpaper

You always choose which wallpapers you’d like to receive samples of. The samples are printed on our authentic non-woven paper in a generous 25x50 cm size.

This ensures a true and accurate representation of exactly how the wallpaper will look when delivered.

Up to 9 samples included

You can order up to 9 free wallpaper samples per order. You only pay for the shipping.

How to Order Wallpaper Samples

  1. Find the wallpaper you’d like a sample of.
  2. Click the button labeled "Order Free Wallpaper Sample."
  3. Open your cart and click "Proceed to Checkout."
  4. Fill in your details and submit your order.

Within a few business days, you’ll have a package ready for pickup containing your wallpaper samples. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our customer service team. Contact our customer service.